Hearing Life Tour Challenge, Grand Slam of Curling at the Cornwall Curling Club, PEI…

The Cornwall Curling Club, PEI is a designated practice facility for Hearing Life Tour Challenge, Grand Slam of Curling, practice sessions starting Wednesday, September 25th.

To date, CCC current practice schedule has 20 teams from 12 countries scheduled. 

(NOTE: Due to the Triple Knockout format of the GSOC event, teams will likely be scheduling their practices for the following day AFTER their games so later in the week we expect the practice slots to fill up more than they now show)

 Details of our practice schedule, social events, junior events, and more are available online at www.cornwallcurling.com/gsoc. Keep checking there to stay up to date with what’s going on at Cornwall Curling Club during The Hearing Life Tour Challenge – information will be updated nightly.

Club managers and provincial directors – we are asking if you share this invite with your club or association members and pass it along to anyone who might be attending the Grand Slam event – our events our open to the public and most are free.  The junior clinics do require registration but are open to ANY junior curlers of the appropriate age – they do not have to be members of our club nor from PEI!

I’ve attached a few flyers as well!

Thanks so much,

Travis Jones, Club Manager

Cornwall Curling Club

29 Cornwall Road, PO Box 408, Cornwall, PE C0A 1H0

Phone: 902-566-4427
Email: manager@cornwallcurling.com  
Website: www.cornwallcurling.com