Let’s help Chedabucto CC to acquire more Associate (Social) Members…

Since the Chedabucto CC’s Associate (Social) Membership category is becoming very popular and growing steadily in numbers, the recommendation was made at the January 6, 2014, Chedabucto CC Executive meeting that this email be sent to all.
Past members, their spouses and non-past members can enjoy the Club’s many activities by becoming an Associate (Social) Member thus having all the rights and privileges that is applicable to that category of membership.
The Associates will be able to freely attend all Club functions, to purchase from the bar without the NS Liquor Commission’s requirement of being signed in by a Club member, to socialize with great individuals and to enjoy all the darn good curling matches via the two overhead cameras/monitors that the Club now has thanks to the late Jim Drysdale’s donation prior to his untimely death. Former members (and their spouses) can also continue to assist the Club as do all of our current members.
Should you be interested or know of others who might consider joining under the Associate (Social) membership classification, please invite all to apply. The dues for Social membership is only $25.00 (tax included) per year.

Best regards,

Associate (Social) members are described within the following excerpt from our Club’s by-laws: Clause 2 – Membership (B)     6.   Associate (Social)  Members shall be persons 19 years of age or older subject to regular approval provisions who may attend the Club activities.  Associate (Social) members shall not have voting or curling privileges.