Next Chedabucto CC 50/50 draw is….

With the wish to have a nice $ amount as the 50/50 prize we are going to wait a couple more weeks and do the next draw on Friday, March 14 — the weekend of the Skins Bonspiel. The plan is to then have the following 50/50 draw two weeks later during the Closing Spiel on March 29th.
If you wish to purchase or to sell tickets: contact a club member, come to the club, or buy tickets at Cutting Loose Hair Design & Tanning, Cook’s Gas Bar & Robin’s, Days Gone By Bakery & Restaurant, Gerard Hart’s Grocery Store, Guysborough Discount & Gifts or Guysborough Pharmacy. CAS sincerely thanks the before-mentioned businesses for their continued support. (The businesses’ sold-tickets are collected on the weekend.)