After having contacted several organizations I am pleased to inform you that the St. Francis Ladies Aid has agreed to host the Club’s 50th Anniversary Dinner at the St. Francis Hall, route 344, on Saturday, April 26, 2014.
Since the Ladies Aid is doing all the cooking they must know our numbers to attend by April 12. Due to its celebratory intent — this celebration is a non-profit for the Chedabucto CC — so your confirmation will be recognized as your commitment to pay.
This dinner is open to all — members, guests, former members, youngsters — up until we reach the 150 person capacity limit. Since there will be a bar, the names of those under 19 years of age must be posted within the hall as per the liquor commission regulations.
Dinner will consist of roast beef, potatoes, turnips, carrots, peas, rolls, dessert, tea and coffee, all for only $18.00: The price quoted by the Ladies Aid. The happy hour will be 6:00 PM until 7:00 PM with dinner being served at 7:00 PM.
More information, such at the contact person(s), will be forthcoming in the very near future. Please start spreading the word and shaking the trees to get an excellent turnout to recognize 50 years of curling at Chedabucto CC. 🙂