Duckie race, chicken barbeque and stick draws — all make the August 3rd day a major fund raiser for Chedabucto CC.
Folks has been telling me that they still have donations to add to the stick draw prizes. It is critical that we get all prizes in sooner rather than later so we will know if there must be a purchase or three of prizes that will “attract” stick buyers. Any of the Club’s executive will be willing to receive whatever you are able to give — if you are one of the folks yet to contribute.
If you are willing — or have the connections — to provide prizes that will “attract buyers” please provide the same. Often businesses have nice items that are promotional in nature but would also serve as great prizes for our stick draws. Should you have the opportunity to ask at locations where you leave your money for services or products, maybe you will be able to obtain more goodies to assist the Club.
I know that there are other folks out there who are willing to give prizes. If you are a member of that group and wish to help — bring it on!
Any questions or suggestions? Please give me a jingle.