Amendments to the CAS by-laws were passed at the November 5 special meeting. A hard copy will be pinned to the bulletin wall in the rink. The amendments:
a. Associate members has being amended to be called Social members.
b. The annual dues for members may be paid in two installments, full or half-due payment must be made before 1st game is played and the remainder by January 31.
c. To be eligible to be a member of Club’s Executive, the person must be a regular adult member in good standing.
d. Fee structures may be adjusted at any Special of General Meeting.
e. Notice in writing of any change(s) in the By-laws to be proposed must be communicated with the Secretary, or Secretary’s designated replacement, at least one (1) week before such meeting and must be communicated to Club members at least five (5) days before such meeting; however, non-receipt of such notice by Club members shall not invalidate the proceedings of any meeting.
f. Months in which By-laws may be amended will be October to April inclusive.
A pdf file of the by-laws is attached below:
Bylaws CAS Amended November 5 2014