St. Patrick’s Ladies FUNspiel update…..

March 13 & 14 will see the St. Patrick’s Ladies FUNspiel happening at Chedabucto CC’s rink. The weekend will be for the ladies to curl (to party) and the men to look after all other matters — including cooking and baking. The men will be in the kitchen, working the bar, getting their hands in the dish-washing water, cooking up a storm and just plain demonstrating that we are capable of great achievements — most times.

Point-by-point details: As of this moment we have five teams signed up to curl. We want to have 10 teams so shake the trees.  Call friends, relatives, former curlers, past Ladies Funspiel curlers, other rinks — heck, recruit your grandmother if she will curl.  🙂

The MacLeod Lorway Group / Guysborough Insurance are sponsoring this FUNspiel therefor we must get out the curlers. Friday evening’s will have entertainment by Siblings Two. The games are 6 enders.

Lunch on Saturday will be fresh-made hamburgers, and sausages, along with all the condiments for only $4.00 per burger / sausage. Dinner on Saturday, at the end of the day, is included within the registration fee of $25.00 per registered curler. Dinners, as available, for non-curlers will be $10.00. Dinner will consist of ham, scalloped potatoes, peas, chow, rolls, and desserts.

The “best-dressed” Irish (St. Patrick’s) theme lady curler, as judged by the other lady curlers, will receive a $50.00 cheque from Strait Engineering/Basil Mattie. Tickets ($2.00 per ticket or $5.00 per arm’s length) will be sold for a dinner-time draw for a pair of admission tickets to Saturday’s playoff game at the Men’s Worlds, Halifax. The weekend’s top FUNspiel team will be invited to a full dinner at the DeBarres Manor in July with Rodger Cuzner, MP. The other 32 prizes will be distributed by random draws of the ladies’ names from a container.

To support the businesses and politicians who donated the prizes, we need to have teams of curlers on the ice. Hog-line violation award to a worthy recipient — courtesy of Gordon Pyle. And — whatever else that can be dreamt up over the next 10 days. As you can detect, your executive plus “other volunteers”  are putting a great deal of time and energy into making this FUNspiel a festive event for Chedabucto CC.  The requirement is now over to you to get out the curlers to support all that is happening and all that we hope will be in Chedabucto’s future. Keep an eye on our web site for more information as it becomes available:

Cheers Ray