Winner of Chedabucto CC 50/50 March 14…

Congratulations to Margie Halloran, Guysborough , for being the March 14th winner of the Chedabucto Curling Club Community Activity Society’s (CAS) 50/50 draw. Margie must have had a touch-of-the-Irish luck with her winning since she also was our 50/50 winner for the November 21, 2014, draw. Margie bought her winning ticket — worth $388.00 — at the curling rink.  (Thank you to all who bought 50/50 tickets — and to those involved in their selling.)

If you wish to purchase or to sell tickets: contact a club member, come to the curling rink, or buy tickets at Cutting Loose Hair Design & Tanning, Guysborough Pharmacy, Cook’s Gas Bar & Robin’s, Hart’s Grocery Store,  Chedabucto Home Hardware, Guysborough Discount & Gifts, or at Days Gone By Bakery & Restaurant. CAS sincerely thanks the before-mentioned businesses for their continued support. (The businesses’ sold-tickets are collected on Saturdays.)

CAS randomly draws its winning 50/50 ticket on Saturdays but — with the intention to have richer prizes — will occasionally be doing the selection after some weeks of selling. Our next 50/50 draw and final for this curling season is tentatively planned for March 28 at Chedabucto CC’s Memorial Bonspiel. You can refer to the curling rink’s website for updates on draws and the names of our winners.

Best regards — and Happy St. Patrick’s Day 🙂
