Curling club dues as approved for on Oct. 5th for 2015-2016 curling season…

Dues for 2015 / 2016 recommended by CAS Executive and approved at October 5th semi-AGM by members present:

League play $210.00 (incl. tax) (current: $210.00)

Junior league $25.00 (incl. tax) (current: $25.00)

Social membership $25.00 (incl. tax) (current: $25.00)

Family membership $420. (incl. tax) (current: $405.00)

Registration forms will be made available soon on our website. Also an Open House will be held on Wednesday Oct 28th from 6:30 until 8pm. Ice will be ready by then for anyone who wants to come on out and practice. More details to follow. League play starts on Monday Nov. 2nd for Day League and Tues Nov. 3rd for Night League. Emails and phone calls will be made soon to last years members who want to play this season. Always looking for new or past members who want to play also. Have them call Phil at 902-533-2539.