Congratulations to David O’Connor, Boylston , for being the December 4 winner of the Chedabucto Curling Club Community Activity Society’s (CAS) 50/50 draw and thank you to Neil DeCoff for his assistance by drawing the winning ticket from a well-shaken container. David bought his winning ticket — worth $228.00 — at the curling rink. (Thank you to all who bought 50/50 tickets — and to those involved in their selling.)
If you wish to purchase or to sell tickets: contact a club member, purchase them from a Junior curler, come to the curling rink, or buy tickets at Cutting Loose Hair Design & Tanning, Guysborough Pharmacy, Cook’s Gas Bar & Robin’s, Chedabucto Home Hardware, Guysborough Discount & Gifts, or at Days Gone By Bakery & Restaurant. CAS sincerely thanks the before-mentioned businesses for their continued support. (The businesses’ sold-tickets are collected on Saturdays.)
CAS draws its winning 50/50 ticket on Saturdays, except for last evening since we had the turkey shoot, but — with the intention to have richer prizes — will occasionally be doing the selection after a couple or several weeks of selling. Our next 50/50 draw is tentatively planned for December 19. You can refer to the curling rink’s website for updates on draws and the names of winners.
Best regards