Curling rink’s lighting….

You will be impressed when you enter the curling rink. Cross Road Electrical (Paul Connolly) has completed the lighting replacements/upgrades in the ice area, lounge, kitchen and bar. The additional four pot lights in the lounge were completed last month.

The money for this project is part of the 50 cent dollars we obtained via our ACOA grant with the other portion of the grant having gone to pay towards the entire attic’s insulation improvements. The rink is accountable for the balance of those 50 cent dollars. Our next-to-the-final $5,000.00 payment for the dehumidifier is also due in January 2016 and then the final payment goes out in January 2017.

Thank you Paul for the lighting recommendations and completing the installations to enable us to enjoy the much-improved lighting throughout the curling season. Now I can’t use the excuse that I could not see the broom for my missed shots . 🙂

Cheers to all,
