Next Chedabucto CC 50/50 draw’s date….

With the rink’s last 50/50 draw being after several weeks of selling and also being held at the Edgar Sceles Memorial, we had one of our largest prizes yet at $350.00.

With the intention to have another larger prize — maybe greater than $400.00 — the decision has been made to have the next 50/50 draw at the Ladies Valentines Funspiel on February 13. Tickets will be available throughout those 3 weeks at their usual locations and via Chedabucto CC members both juniors and adults. (With the juniors receiving chances to win pizzas for selling tickets it would be nice to support the youngsters if possible.)

As always, your support is extremely important to the 50/50 draws as a major fund raiser.  In January we paid a power bill of $5000 and paid a bank bill towards the dehumidifier of $5000.00 plus there was the lighting and insulation’s cost. Dues alone do not finance the rink.

If you wish to purchase or to sell tickets: contact a club member, purchase them from a Junior curler, come to the curling rink, or buy tickets at Cutting Loose Hair Design & Tanning, Guysborough Pharmacy, Cook’s Gas Bar & Robin’s, Chedabucto Home Hardware, Guysborough Discount & Gifts, or at Days Gone By Bakery & Restaurant. CAS sincerely thanks the before-mentioned businesses for their continued support. (The businesses’ sold-tickets are collected on Saturdays.)

CAS usually draws its winning 50/50 ticket on Saturdays but — with the intention to have richer prizes — will occasionally be doing the selection after a couple or several weeks of selling. Our rink’s website has updates on draws and the names of our 50/50 winners:

Thank you for whatever level of support you are able to provide.
