We now have enough players for 8 teams. I do not anticipate anymore calling. In fact I had messages into three others but we cannot go with 9 teams and we would be very hard pressed to get 10. So 8 it is. The draft of curlers is happening tonight at 6pm at the rink by all the skips: Brian MacDonald (Phil will pick), Neil DeCoff, George Luddington, Kenny O’Leary, Don Armstrong, Shauna Brymer, Evelyne Jamieson, and Paul Long. They will then call you with your draw times. Games will start on Friday at 6pm with the 2nd draw at 8:15pm. Both are 8 end games. Saturday’s draws are 9am, 11:15am, Ice Maintenance, 1:30pm and 3:30pm. All games on Saturday are 6 end games. Lunch will be hamburger soup and roll for $3.00 from 11am until 2pm. Turkey dinner will be served from 5:30 on. We hope to have some sort of entertainment on Friday night after the 1st draw. Anyone with guitars etc… who want to play please feel free.