New Executive for the 2016/2017 season….

At our AGM on Tuesday April 12th a new member to our existing executive was added. His name is Mike Nicholson who will be our new ‘Member at large’ replacing Brian Farrell from our 2014/15 season. There were no other nominations from the floor and the rest of the executive from this past season are reoffering their positions. At the meeting we had 5 members present along with last season’s executive of Ray Bates (President), Phil O’Regan (Vice-president), Kay Chisholm, (Secretary), Holly Nahrebecky (Treasurer), and Lois MacDonald (Member at large).  Regrets came from Paula Dobson (Past President) and Jim Muise. Below is a picture of the New Executive that takes over on May 30, 2016.

New Executive for 2016_17 is Phil O'Regan (Vice President), Mike Nicholson (Member at Large), Ray Bates (President), Holly Narhebecky (Treasurer), Lois MacDonald (Member at Large), and Kay CHisholm (Secretary). Missing from photo is Paula Dobson (Past President).

New Executive for 2016_17 is Phil O’Regan (Vice President), Mike Nicholson (Member at Large), Ray Bates (President), Holly Nahrebecky (Treasurer), Lois MacDonald (Member at Large), and Kay Chisholm (Secretary). Missing from photo is Paula Dobson (Past President).