Adult and Junior Members plus Supporters,
Plans are being made for the Chedabucto Curling stick draw at our annual ducky race / chicken BBQ — our yearly MAJOR FUNDRAISER — being held on Sunday, July 24. We need all members to step forth and assist. Our supporters are also encouraged to pitch in if possible. (The ducky race tickets are in the process of being printed and will be ready for sale by early June. The beginning of the ducky race is tide dependent.) As you spring clean, or receive gifts that you are willing to donate (valued $5.00 or more) — or if you are able to collect donated promotional products from the places where you do business — or discover great items on sale — please keep prizes in mind for our annual stick draws. Monetary donations are also encouraged if the providing of prizes is not possible. We also need “larger-valued prizes” to attract more people to purchase sticks. If you are able to donate or know of someone (a business) who might provide larger-valued prizes, we would be pleased to acknowledge the donated item(s). Adult and Junior members will be contacted by our rink’s executive members for prize donation(s).
Contact me (902.533.2528) or Phil (902.533.2539) to arrange for prizes pickup.
Thanks. Ray