Winner of Chedabucto CC 50/50 draw January 21…..

Congratulations to Diane Tulk, Guysborough, the January 21 winner of the Chedabucto Curling Club Community Activity Society’s (CAS) 50/50 draw. Diane’s winnings were $328.00. (Thank you Jenna Dort drawing the winning ticket.) Thank you to all who bought CAS 50/50 tickets — and to those involved in their selling.

My thanks also go to AA Munro Insurance, Antigonish, for supporting the pizza incentives to the juniors for their efforts to sell 50/50 tickets on behalf of Chedabucto CC.

The  tentative date for the next CCC 50/50 draw will February 11 at the Ladies Valentine FUNspiel.

Tickets are now available for our next 50/50 draw via CAS members, junior curlers or by coming to the curling rink. Our rink’s website has updates on draws and the names of our 50/50 winners.
Best regards,

Our 50/50 winner was drawn and picking the winning ticket was Jenna Dort. Winner was Diane Tulk with $328.