With the moving of our Memorial Bonspiel to Feb 24/25 and the Skins Cash Spiel going to the Memorial’s former weekend (March 31 – April 2), my solicitation for promotional items for the Memorial’s draw prizes has been put into a “rush mode”. I had planned on having 6 weeks to find items for the Memorial Bonspiel and not just a week and a half.
It would be extremely helpful if you would check with the locations where you do business to see if those places have a couple of suitable promotional items that they would donate as prizes for the Memorial’s curlers. You can assure those businesses that Chedabucto CC will advertise that they helped us via their support.
With all of us doing business over a wide area, to my way of thinking, there must be businesses that would donate one or two or more items that we can use as prizes at the Memorial Bonspiel’s presentation on February 25.
If the response for donations results in more items than curlers, the surplus items will be placed in storage for the stick pick at the ducky race this summer.
Please let me know what you can gather so I can record each and prepare an accurate support acknowledgement.
Thank you.