Results are in from the ExxonMobil/Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline Skins Cash bonspiel. Our closing bonspiel has come to an end. With 10 teams competing this past weekend 4 teams made it to Sunday’s playoffs. No team was undefeated during the round-robin games. In fact 6 teams all had the same 2-1 record. In 1st place was Team ExxonMobil with skip Blair Brymer, 2nd place was Team Luddington, 3rd place was Team MacDonald, and 4th was Team DeCoff. In the Semi’s it was 1 vs 4 and 2 vs 3. In the 1/4 game Team ExxonMobil won and in the 2/3 game it was Team MacDonald. So Team ExxonMobil played Team MacDonald for the A Championship and $855 while Team Luddington played Team DeCoff for the B Championship and $545. The A Champs with $620 was Team ExxonMobil while the B Champs with $280 was Team Luddington. As usual a lot of thank-you’s go out to all who curled to make this a successful closing spiel. Thanks to George and whoever helped with the ice; to Phil, Shauna, Blair and Loraine for their help in getting this organized; to the bar and kitchen help; to all who donated food over the weekend. Thanks to Della and Wilfred who supplied us with a great spaghetti and meatball meal; of course this weekend would not have happened without the sponsorship money and prizes from ExxonMobil and the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline. We also had prizes from GOALS and Goldline who supplied us with curling rocks for the ‘Closest to the Button’ contest. Those winners were Shauna Brymer (on the button), Marion Brown (on the button), Paul Long (.5″), and Dannie Worth (2″). Our last 50/50 draw was drawn and the winner of $286 was Anna Connolly. Finally I want to thank Ray for his efforts in organizing the help for the weekend plus 50/50 etc… Here are some pictures from the weeeknd.