Update on our renovations at the club….

After the Chedabucto CC advertised, with a May 31, 2017, deadline for “Expressions of Interest” via the Guysborough Journal, The Reporter, The Casket, The Highland Heart Weekly, Facebook, the Club’s web site, emails and word-of-mouth, Scott Hart, Hart Carpentry and Contracting, MacPherson’s Lake, has been called by our Expansion/Renovation Committee Chair Maurice Landry and given the go ahead to commence the Chedabucto curling rink’s immediate expansion.

Hart Carpentry and Contracting, due to other job commitments, plans to begin the Chedabucto Curling Club’s expansion within the early part of this month.

The work size for the expansion is the section consisting of the new addition (entrance, change area, washrooms), the new door in via the existing former-furnace room and the roof on the brook side of only the lounge area.

As moneys are gathered, hopefully, the other anticipated capital improvements can be then factored into our building’s improvements.