The Chedabucto Curling Club’s ducky race tickets are in the process of being distributed to all members. The race is at the curling rink during the day of the chicken BBQ on July 23 with its time being tide dependent. All members will be receiving two books to sell.
Please remember that the proceeds from the ducky race go into the curling rink’s general revenue to assist in a major way with our rink’s annual $30,000 operational expenses. Supporters are also welcome to buy/sell tickets. All assistance will be sincerely appreciated.
The ducky tickets must be returned to Kay Chisholm (902.533.3323) by July 8 so she can record the sales and insert the names of tickets’ owners onto the large wall charts before race day so we know what ducks are in the race.
If you are unable to get the tickets back to Kay, give them to me (101 Green Street, Guysborough) over the hill from the school. (We do have extra tickets if you want to have some more to sell.)
Thank you to Basil Mattie for printing the tickets and to Kay Chisholm for sorting, addressing their distribution and — an equally vital task — Kay’s recording their returns.