Assistance needed to seek sufficient funds for curling rink’s construction projects….

Things are moving forward regarding our rink’s expansion and renovations. Now that the financial-request letters have gone to adult, social, junior and former members, we are moving into the stage to seek grant and business-assistant sources. (With our completed project estimated to be in the area of $210,000.00, more moneys need to be found.)

The plan is to have helpers (or their recommended persons) to assist with inquiries for sources regarding financial assistance to our renovation/expansion goals. There are a couple of volunteers who have stated they will assist but more are needed; the idea being that more helpers will lessen the work loads for the information seekers. By getting the volunteers, the sources will be fewer in numbers for each to investigate thereby enabling more sources to be investigated at less time involved per person.

It is appreciated when we are told that a certain business/ government department “might be able” to assist financially but the leg work then needs to be done to determine if such a source would and/or is willing to assist. (That is where information-seeking volunteers will be extremely helpful.)

The success of our curling rink’s construction is directly dependent on the energy and financial assistance from our members and supporters.

Your volunteer time — be it regular or occasional — is something that will yield a tremendous return for the rink and will guarantee our project’s successful completion.

I am hopeful that I will receive positive results from this request.

Best regards,
