It takes many hands to make something work; today was a prime example of that reality. The Chedabucto curling rink held another successful chicken BBQ with the chicken being barbecued perfectly — again. The stick pick and ducky race were also successful due to the generous contributions and support of many.
A great deal of energy and contributions went into making today such an enjoyable success. I was going to list all that was done but after typing a lengthy list, I realized the this email would be extremely long thus I made use of my delete button.
Please accept my brevity with a big THANK YOU to all who made today’s BBQ, stick-pick and ducky race such a success: workers, music providers, food preparers/servers, prize donors/sellers, ticket sellers/buyers, cleaners, labourers, picker-uppers — and those who purchased chicken and/or sticks and/or attended.
On behalf of all CCC members, my gratitude goes also to Neil DeCoff, Danny and Theresa Rodgers for their enjoyable music and songs. Thank you to the MODG Public Works for providing a porto toilet and garbage barrels for today’s needs.
Due to Mother Nature (the tide) being uncooperative, the ducky race was held later that night at 8:00.
The first three winners were as follows:
Joe Jamieson — 1st place — $500.00
Margaret Halloran — 2nd place — $200.00
Casey (Brian) Farrell — 3rd place — $100.00
Thank you to all who purchased tickets and my equal thanks to those who did the selling.
Special appreciation to Basil Mattie for making the tickets, Kay Chisholm for the tickets’ distribution and recording and to Wayne and Mable Hyam for recording the tickets sold today at the rink.
My sincere gratitude and best wishes to all.