MacLeod Lorway Ladies Valentine Dinner with Rodger Cuzner…

On behalf of the Chedabucto Curling Club Community Activity Society, my sincere thank you to Mr. Rodger Cuzner, M.P., Cape Breton – Canso, for his ongoing support for the Chedabucto Curling rink’s annual MacLeod Lorway Ladies Valentine Funspiel.

For the past five years M.P. Rodger has treated the winning team of the Chedabucto CC’s MacLeod Lorway Ladies Valentine Funspiel to a dinner at the DeBarres Manor, Guysborough, with this year’s victory celebration being on August 30th.

The attached photo shows first-place Team Mary E.A. Connolly. (Left to right) Betty Bates, Cathy Wyatt, Emily Perry, Mary Connolly and M.P. Rodger Cuzner.

Ladies, if you want to start planning for the next ladies valentine funspiel, it is only 5 months until the 2018 MacLeod Lorway Ladies Valentines Funspiel. 🙂

My best regards to all,
