They came for their curling experiences. Thirty-one students enrolled in the Nova Scotia International Students Program (NSISP) enjoyed their first-curling-involvements-for-most on Sunday, March 4, at the Chedabucto Curling Club, in Boylston. Organized by Jim Muise, NSISP Home Stay Coordinator, Guysborough Academy, youngsters from Taiwan, China, Turkey, Germany, Brazil, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Mexico, France, Thailand, Ecuador, Austria and Spain, participated in “Host to the World”, a day of socialization and recreational curling designed to enable all to expand their educational experiences. The international students were provided with curling instructions by Chedabucto CC members, youngsters within the Chedabucto CC Junior Curling Program and Coach Teagan Lombardo.
The NSISP is active in nine different schools in the Strait Regional School Board and invites inquiries about hosting international students as participants within the SRSB’s educational program appropriately named “Welcome the World to your Home”.
A BIG shout out of thanks to all those who helped out “…welcoming the world…” to the Chedabucto Curling Club for a fun afternoon of fellowship and curling. Besides those pictured here, extra thanks to Don Armstrong who came early and helped prep the ice, and to President Ray Bates who did everything from sweeping floors, to measuring turkey shoots, to taking photos of the Turkey shoot winner, to finding replacements for misplaced masking tape! Thank you ALL!
Chedabucto CC and International Student Turkey Shoot Winner
Students enrolled in the Nova Scotia International Students Program (NSISP) participated in their first “turkey shoot” at the conclusion of their recreational curling sessions at the Chedabucto Curling Club, Boylston, on Sunday, March 4.
The youngsters from Taiwan, China, Turkey, Germany, Brazil, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Mexico, France, Thailand, Ecuador, Austria or Spain. put their newly-learned curling skills to work to determine who would receive their frozen prize.
As thirty-two curling stones were shot at the frozen bird, the turkey made its way around the ice depending on how many times it was hit. After determining which stone was the closest to the bird at the game’s conclusion, the turkey went with that stone’s owner. Proudly holding her prize, presented to her by Jim Muise, NSISP Stay-Home Coordinator, Guysborough Academy, is Zeynep Ozol, Ankara, Turkey.