Our ExxonMobil and Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline Skins Cash Bonspiel finished up this past weekend. Another successful bonspiel with 8 teams competing this year with a team from the SACCC in Port Hawkesbury, Before I announce the winners I would like to thank the 2 major sponsors for this event, ExxonMobil and Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline. Without their support over the years an event like this could not happen. The donated money and prizes they provided made for a great event. Can’t thank them enough. Thanks to Lorraine and Blair Brymer who always get this together for us. Thank you’s go out to our bonspiel committee for getting us 8 teams. The 8th team was put together at the last minute on Thursday. Thank you to Ray Bates for putting all the spares together to play 3 games. Thanks to all who helped out with ice, the bar, the kitchen, the food donations, the music from Greg Favaro and Jason Wright on Friday night. And now to the games… After three round robin games the top four were decided late on Saturday. They were Team Long 1st in the ExxonMobil division, Team MacNamara 2nd in the ExxonMobil division, Team Brymer 1st in the MNEP division, and Team Sangster 2nd in the MNEP division. These teams crossed over and played each other on Sunday morning in the semi-finals. Team Sangster and Team MacNamara won their games and met in the A final with Team Long and Team Brymer playing off for the B final. In the end Team Sangster won the Skins A Final and won a total of $855. In the B final Team Long beat Team Brymer and won $430 and Team Brymer $115. We also drew for our 50/50 draw. The winner of that was Darlene Dort of Halifax. She took home $320.00. Next draw will be at our Closing bonspiel on April 14th. Here are some pics:
- 50/50 draw with Ryan Sangster and Ray Bates
- Greg and Jason setting up
- Mike and Cyrill
- Hello Heather…
- Prize table
- Heather and Carly…
- Hey Doug…
- Chris and Gary…
- Blair ready to deliver…
- Poster
- Phil presenting the cash awards…
- A_FinalistsTeam MacNamara: Cyrill Gillis, Larry Evans, Mike MacNamara, and Doug MacNeil
- A_Final Winner Team Sangster: Wayne Sangster, Donalda Mattie, Iris Stanley, and Doug Dort.
- B_Finalists_Team Brymer: Chris Cosgrove, Blair Brymer, David O’Connor, and Gary Neufeld.
- B_Final Winner_Team Long: Paul Long, Randy Avery, Heather Manuel. Missing from photo is Carly Avery.
- 50/50 draw with Ryan Sangster and Ray Bates