Chedabucto Curling Club – DONATION MURAL…

Thank you to those who have donated to the Chedabucto Curling Club’s renovations/expansion. The positive news is that we are nearly finished with  construction — but — our club needs more donations to deal with the Club’s $21,604.14 outstanding Royal Bank loan and also to pay the construction’s homestretch bills.

The entire $101,000.00 grant from the MODG has been exhausted within the approximately $210,000.00 that has been spent on our curling rink. The Club’s dues, bonspiels, 50/50, bar, BBQ and duckie race all go towards the Club’s annual $31,000 operational costs.

The donors’ board design is attached to enable you to see where your donation’s acknowledgement will be situated before it is mounted to the wall in the Club’s main entrance for all to see. I ask that you please reassess your donation decision and respond in a supportive manner to this financial plea . Cheques can be made out to CAS Renovation/Expansion and sent to our mailbox: PO Box 107, Boylston B0H 1G0. Treasurer Holly will issue receipts for all amounts received.

This past week Scott and Mike constructed the accessible ramp to the main entrance, installed the washrooms’ mirrors, installed the dehumidifier room’s flooring and are now in the process of affixing the plastic guards (donated by the Canso Curling Club) around the ice area’s sidewalks to eliminate the paint chips that continuously fall to the ice surface. The obvious-from-the-yard portion of the lounge roof will be paint-sealed once the weather warms. The donors’ board’s design has been finalized (but not paid for) with its finishing design by Waterline Graphix to be done after they have concluded their assignments regarding the Stan Fest.

I’ll be pleased  to deal with your questions. Your support is definitely needed.



CCC-DONATION MURAL PROOF S5-1 accepted design June 8