Our recent MacLeod Lorway Ladies Valentines FUNspiel happened on Feb 8 and 9th. A total of 7 teams participated a weekend of fun curling. Thank you to our major sponsor, MacLeod Lorway Insurance, who donated prizes and $$$ to help with the bonspiel. I would also like to thank Rodger Cuzner, M.P., Cape Breton – Canso, who donates his time to take out the 1st place team to a dinner at Des Barres Manor. Finally we thank the following sponsors/supporters who donated prizes for the prize table: Guysborough PharmaChoice (Alison Myers), Cutting Loose Hair Design & Tanning, Guysborough (Peter Lombardo), Mary Kay Cosmetics, Guysborough Intervale (Mary E.A. Connolly), Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), Guysborough (Kim Pellerine), Waterline Graphix (Sandra Winter), Ross Screenprint (Simon Hillyard), Thrill Hill Farm (Melissa and Andrew Grace), and A&W Antigonish. Of course a bonspiel cannot happen without the support of our members who donate their time and effort to help out with various duties like ice prep, bartending, kitchen duties etc..
After each team played their 3 games we ended up with Team MacDonald, Skip Lois MacDonald (aka Lusty), Kay Chisholm (aka Kissy), Mary K. Connolly (aka Mushy) and Francis Brymer (aka Flirty) taking home the trophy and 1st place prize. Team Jamieson won 2nd place. Proudly holding their Thrill Hill Farm’s prize certificate are (left to right) Lynda MacIntosh and Betty Bates. Missing: Evelyne Jamieson (skip) and Ruth Gunn, 3rd place was won by Team Mary E.A. Connolly. (left to right) Maureen Landry, Mary E.A. Connolly (skip), Emily Perry and Marion Brow, and 4th placewas won by Team Dobson. Holding their prizes are (left to right) Dawn Chubbs, Paula Dobson (skip), Mary Williams and Valda George. (photos: Maurice Landry). Hog line prize went to Junior curler Jenna Dort. Here are some pictures from the spiel: