With the next 50/50 draw being at the Edgar Sceles Memorial Bonspiel, January 25, if we each take just 2 of the $5.00 per book of tickets — to sell over the next 6 weeks, the give-away prize will equal a minimum of $170.00. Realizing that the older Juniors are also assisting and some members sell more than 2 books, plus the tickets to be sold at the Edgar Sceles Memorial, the Club could issue a prize that exceeds $300, and the Club also could earn $300.
Tickets can be picked up from, with sold tickets and money left within, the container situated on the table next to the Club’s bar. I check the container every day I am at the Club and bring the sold tickets and money home. If it is easier, you can send me the money and I’ll put your tickets into the draw container. (My brother gives me his money for the season’s draws and I enter his tickets per draw — if that will simply your assistance.)
Dues only cover ½ of the Club’s yearly operational costs. Fund-raising is a reality with which the Chedabucto Curling Club must deal.
Thank you.