On Sunday Jan. 26th we held a fundraiser concert at the Chedabucto Performance Centre to help raise money for our new ice scraper. About 100 or so people showed up which was great. We held a 50/50 draw and one of the entertainers from the Long family won the winning prize of $204. Thanks to Miles and his crew at the theater for helping get this going and of course to Neil DeCoff for arranging the entertainers. Thank you also to Ray for MCing, Maurice and Holly for the 50/50 and to Betty and Kay for doing the door. Chris West and Phil took pictures. Finally a thank you to Councillors Neil DeCoff and Miles MacDonald for their contributions from the MODG Councillors’ District Based Grant totaling $500 with a balance for the Chedabucto Curling Club to raise of $13,078.98. Here are some pics from Phil and Chris.