Here are the results from the MacLeod Lorway Ladies Valentines FUNspiel 2020. This year, despite only having 6 teams competing, it was a very competitive bonspiel. The club had to deal with bad weather Friday night and a power outage the next day but all games were played. The top 4 teams were all 2-1. Finishing 1st with 98pts was the Junior Girls team, Team Grady. They even had their coach, Alicia Mills, in playing one game. In 2nd place was Team Jamieson tied with Team Dobson at 87pts. The 1st tiebreaker was games played vs each other with Team Jamieson beating Team Dobson. I must apologize to both teams since at the ceremony I had Team Dobson as the 2nd place team based on the ‘draw to the button’ which is our 2nd tiebreak rule. So in 3rd place was Team Dobson. One point behind both teams was Team MacDonald in 4th place. 5th place went to Team Connolly and 6th place to Team Hadley.
During the weekend we had three other prizes up for grabs. One was for ‘Closest to the pin’ won by Valda George, 2″ from the pin. We had a prize for ‘Hogged Line’ where a rock does not make it across the hog line. Winner of that was newcomer Julie Fox. Finally we had a prize for ‘Best Dressed Team’ where all curlers and spectators voted on the winner. Team Dobson ended up winning it by 3 votes over Team Grady. We also held our 3rd 50/50 prize draw with Junior Keira Newell drawing the winning ticket from the bucket held by Prez Ray Bates. The winner was Jennifer Brow with a total of $164.00.
I would like to thank MacLeod Lorway Insurance, who was our major sponsor of this annual event. Always a pleasure to have them on board. Other sponsors who helped out at the prize table were MP Mike Kelloway, who will be taking the winning team out for dinner at the DesBarres manor at some point during the summer, MLA Lloyd Hines who donated $$ for a prize, Guysborough PharmaChoice (Alison Myers), RBC (Lois MacDonald), Cutting Loose Hair Design & Esthetics (Peter Lombardo), Mary K Cosmetics (Mary E.A. Connolly), and Cove Quilting (Alison Billard). Big thanks also go out to all who helped out, in the bar (Maurice/Phil), kitchen (Gary, George L., George M., Phil, Maurice), on ice prep (George L., Ryan, Phil, Paul, George N.), and who donated food to the event (Maurice, George L., Bruce, Gary, Holly, Donna). It is always a pleasure doing this event. Up next is the Skins Cash Spiel on Feb 21-23. Here are some photos by Phil.