It has been a heck of a day. I cannot imagine what our Premier or Prime Minister must go through each and every day. There were still some votes coming in over the past hour thus the delay until this time.
The massive majority have voted to CLOSE FOR THE BALANCE OF THIS SEASON. Thirty-four voted to close. Four voted to stay open and one abstained. Since we are in a pandemic the decision was made not to let this decision go into Monday.
My prime goal is to ensure that the Chedabucto CC remains a healthy place to gather and to enjoy each and all fellowships. You have responded promptly with your guidance and I am truly appreciative. We have a wonderful organization and all of you make me proud to be a member.
Thank you. Take care. Be well — and look after each other.
Until this pandemic resolves and we can have our AGM, best wishes.
PS: George Luddington and I have spoken via the phone and he will initiate the shutdown for this season.