Between The Sheets Issue #2 December 06, 2020
** Our annual Turkey Shoot took take place this past Saturday evening. Everyone followed the social distancing guidelines and we had a great time while raising some much needed dollars for the club. We had 5 draws and the winners are listed below. We decided to only have 1 turkey as a target which was given out on the last draw. The other draw prizes were $20.00 bills. The reason we did this was in case we had to cancel and we were struck with a number of birds. Thanks to all in attendance and especially those who volunteered to work this fun event.
Winners were: Draw #1 Chuck Grady- $20, Draw #2 George Luddington- $20, Draw #3 Brian MacDonald- $20, Draw #4 Trent Brymer- $20, Draw #5 Ruth Gunn (Turkey)
** As in previous years our ice equipment such as blades on the scraper and nipper are sent away to be sharpened during the off season. When they arrive back it takes a little adjusting to get them set right. PLEASE do not try and adjust them or any other piece of ice making equipment without discussing it with either George Luddington or Phil O’Regan first. These guys spend a lot of time trying to make our ice the best it can be and there could be a good reason why equipment is set to the way it is. If you experience something you feel is not right with any of the equipment, please reach to one of these gentlemen.
** The Club will place another order to the Curling Store prior to Christmas if there is interest. I was informed the history of the club ordering system started approximately 5 years ago with the understanding that the club would pass on all the savings to the members. It was successful in encouraging new members to get the proper gear and for current members to upgrade their gear at a reduced rate. This was only meant to continue for a few years and then gradually the savings would disappear and all the savings would become part of club revenue. When this was set up by the Curling Store the intent was to generate some revenue for the individual clubs. To my knowledge this is what all other clubs do. Effective this order the price individuals are going to pay will be the MRSP. This is the same price you would pay if you went into store and purchased the item yourself. Now I know the question that some people will ask is: Why should I order through the club? Here are a few reasons:
- You don’t have to travel 5 plus hours to Burnside in Dartmouth to purchase your order.
- The club not only orders it, but it also ensures that you receive it.
- The club also pays for it up front and you arrange to reimburse the club when it arrives. If for some reason it doesn’t fit or it’s wrong the club will make it right.
- Finally, you will be helping to raise funds for your club. Remember, only through these little initiatives will our membership fees continue to be some of the lowest in the province.
Please contact Phil O’Regan if you are interested in ordering items.
** Housekeeping-I would consider our club to be quite clean however; it takes a little effort to keep it that way. Please, if you see somewhere that needs a little sweeping or wiping up please do it. If you come across toilet paper, or paper towels needing to be replaced, please do so. Should you not know how to or where the keys and these items are kept don’t hesitate to come and see me. I know some of you have indicated on your membership forms that you are willing to clean which I thank you. However, I really don’t want to start making up schedules. One reason the club has stayed clean is because we are currently not dealing with food items. Let’s monitor it into the New Year and see what happens.
** Paul Long has agreed to coach the juniors (ages 10-19) again this year. The program will start in the New Year. More information pertaining to days and times will be forth coming.
** For the record those who spare and pay $10.00 every time to play a game must also pay the same amount if they come and practise at the club. Members pay to practise through their membership fees. The funds can be left at the bar with a note.
** We didn’t put up very many Christmas decorations this year. The club does not have a lot of Christmas decorations so if you were thinking that you may have too many or have items you don’t use any more that still work, please think about the club. We can make room to store them. Hopefully next year we can go all out.
** REMINDER: To keep us all safe please follow the Covid rules whenever you are at the club:
- Everyone coming into the club for games, practises, or just a visit MUST sign in at the door. This includes all non members as well.
- If you need to borrow a piece of equipment such as a broom, stick, etc. from the table in the lounge, please clean them yourself prior to using them.
- All individuals must wear a mask everywhere in the building except when on the ice. You do not need to wear one if you are seated and are eating or drinking.
- There will be a list of items that need to be sanitized prior to playing a league game on the bulletin board.
Remember, for us to have a full season of curling, we must all do our part in keeping everyone safe on and off the ice.
Thanks, Maurice