Results of the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline Skins Cash Bonspiel….

This past weekend at the club we held our annual Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline Skins Cash Bonspiel. Again this year our major sponsor was Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline with three other sponsors who came on board last year. They are Mulgrave Machine Works, Scotia Diesel, and Ron Chisholm Hydroseed. A BIG thanks go out to these 4 sponsors who help us put on this different style of curling. Because of the pandemic we were not allowed any out of club curlers so all curlers who took part were all from our curling club, Chedabucto CC. In total we had 32 curlers sign up for the event and teams were made from those 32 curlers via a draft by the skips. In the end it turned out to be a pretty even bonspiel. Every team won a game with only one team winning all 3. At the end of the round robin Team R. Sangster from one division finished 1st and Team Brymer was 1st in the other. They met in the ‘A’ final. In 2nd place was Team Jamieson in one and Team O’Regan in the other. They met in the ‘B’ final. All four teams were able to win money and the champs of the ‘A’ final were Team R. Sangster with Team Jamieson winning the ‘B’ final with a draw to the button at the end to win. Congrats to all who played and won. Thanks also go out to our bonspiel committee of Phil O’Regan, Blair Brymer, Paul Long, and Mary E. A. Connolly. I would also like to thank Maurice & Maureen Landry and Holly Pyle who took care of the bar and kitchen with some help from Mary K. Connolly. And finally thanks to all who helped sanitize the room before and after game plus the ice crew who took care of the ice. Next up is the Mixed Double Bonspiel on Mar. 19th and 20th.