AGM postponed…

Hello All:

Welcome to the 3rd wave of Covid 19.  Unfortunately I have to advise you that our upcoming AGM meeting scheduled for May 4th will have to cancelled. On behalf of the executive board I want to thank you all for hanging in there and making the past curling season safe and enjoyable.  The AGM will be rescheduled when it is safe to do so.  In the meantime the following has happened at the club:  

**  The ice plant has been shutdown which also includes putting away the stones, taking down all advertising, relocating the ice scraper to the dressing area, fans for the ice shed setup and turned on, etc. All thanks to Phil and George.
**  The bar has been emptied of all monies and liquor, both fridges unplugged, hot water tank turn off, garbage and compost taken care of, etc.

Also,I ask that all those who have keys to the club to please retain them until notified differently.

All 1st place winners in league play will be receiving their prizes either at the rescheduled AGM or when it becomes safe.

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

In closing, should anyone be interested in becoming a member of the executive board, please reach out to me.

Thanks and stay safe,
