Turkey Shoot reminder plus Santa Shoot…

Hi All,  Curling season has been up and running for more then a month and everything seems to be going well.  We have welcomed several new members to both day and night leagues which is fantastic.  A couple of reminders:
**  This Saturday night starting at 7pm we will holding our annual Turkey shoot.  (See poster attached)  Everyone is welcome to attend and we ask that very clean footwear be worn out on the ice surface.
**  Next Friday night Dec. 10th at 7pm we will hosting an open house for the MODG as part of their 12 nights of Christmas (poster attached).  There will be prizes, hot chocolate, Santa shoots, draw to the button, etc..  We would like to see as many members as possible out to this event.  It still amazes me how many citizens of our community have never been to our club.  This will give us a great chance to possibility get a few new members or at least show our community where their greatly appreciated financial support has gone.
That’s it for now,