Dates for 2020_21

Here are the suggested dates of this year’s bonspiels:

New, Stick Curling Bonspiel, Nov. 27/28, 2020 (Cancelled)

Turkey Shoot, Dec 5th, 2020 (Completed)

Edgar Sceles Memorial; January 29/30, 2021 (Completed)

MacLeod Lorway Ladies Valentines FUNspiel; February 12/13, 2021 (Completed)

Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline Skins  Cash spiel, Mar. 5-7, 2021 (Completed)

St. Patrick’s Day Mixed Doubles, Mar. 26 & 27th, 2021 (Completed)

Memorial Closing spiel; April 9/10, 2021 (Completed)