Day League 23_24

In today’s Day League Championship game Team G. Jamieson beat Team O’Regan to claim the title as Day League Champs for 2024. The game ended up closer than the final score, (9-5) was with it decided on the 2nd last shot of the game. Congrats go out to Lead Elya Hambrock, who was in her 1st year of curling, skip Gerry Jamieson, mate Kay Chisholm, and second Lynda MacIntosh filling in for Leif Vaage.

In the Day League semi final on Wednesday the 3rd Team G. Jamieson beat Team Landry to advance the the Championship game which got moved up to Thursday the 4th at 8:30am.

In the Day League page playoffs today April 2nd Team O’Regan beat Team Landry in the 1 vs 2 game and now advances to the league final next Monday at 9:30. In the 3 vs 4 game Team G. Jamieson beat Team DeCoff to advance to the semi final game tomorrow morning at 9:30am vs Team Landry. The winner advances’ to the final game next Monday vs Team O’Regan.

As of Mar. 25th the second Half Day league is complete. First place was Team Landry with 23pts, tied for 2nd place was Team G. Jamieson and Team O’Regan with 21pts each, and 4th place was Team DeCoff with 17pts. A tiebreaker game to decide 2nd and 3rd place will be played on Wed. Mar. 27th at 9:30am

The second half of Day League starts on Monday Jan. 8th. Here is the team list and schedule in PDF and JPG format:

The first half of Day League starts on Nov. 13th. Here is the team list and schedule in PDF and jpg format: