Duckie Race & Chicken BBQ

Our annual Duckie Race & Chicken BBQ for 2015 was held this year on Sunday July 19th during the 1st weekend of Come Home Week.

It takes many sailors to keep a ship afloat and today was a prime example of such a saying. The annual chicken BBQ, stick pic and ducky race went off 100%. The skies might have been grey, the air a tad moist but the event was superb.

From the stick pic to the BBQ to the ducky race and to all who enabled today to be another solid reason why this area is so darn fortunate to have the Chedabucto Curling Club Community Activity Society as one of its recreational options, you all did some right good!

Ducky tickets were sold far and wide by folks who simply did it because it needed to be done. To those sellers and buyers I send my thanks. To the three winners: Sharon Martin ($500.00), Ralph Bordon ($300.00) and Paige Mattie ($100.00) — and to all the others who kindly purchase the tickets: THANK YOU EACH AND ALL!

Thanks to the members and supporters who donated prizes for the stick pic; that too was a popular success.

As for the BBQ chicken; what can I say? Would delicious be sufficient? Once again the cooks did a fantastic job!

We only have slightly more that 3 months before the curling ice go back in. Have a safe, healthy and enjoyable balance of your summer.

Best regards,


Here are some pictures (courtesy of Chris West & Phil O’Regan) from the event: