The Edgar Sceles Memorial Bonspiel has now come and gone. Great weekend of games and entertainment with Reid Jamieson and Neil DeCoff. We ended up with 8 teams entered: Team J. Jamieson, Team Decoff, Team G. Jamieson, Team O’Regan, Team O’Leary, Team Brymer, Team Hart, and Team Luddington. In the end Team Decoff ended up in 1st place, Team Brymer in 2nd place and Team J. Jamieson in 3rd place. We also drew the winning 50/50 draw ticket on Sat night. The winner was Brian Farrell with a total of $177.50. Thanks go out to our sponsors who supplied us with prizes: Ron Sceles with the 4 sterling silver Memorial pins, Molson Canada with 4 gift certificates, and McPherson, who helped out with MODG gifts.