Our annual MacLeod Lorway Ladies Valentine’s FUNspiel was held this weekend. A total of 6 teams took part. A Big thank you to our major sponsor, MacLeod Lorway, who help our club with organizing this bonspiel. Other sponsors who helped us out with prize donations were Guysborough PharmaChoice, Cutting Loose Hair Design, Mary K Cosmetics, RBC, Rose’s Garden of Gifts, Cove Quilting, MODG, and O’Regan Projects. We would also like to thank MLA Lloyd Hines who donated $$ for advertising at the event. Thanks to all who helped out doing the ice, bar and kitchen duties. After a 3 game per team schedule Team Jamieson came out on top with Team Connolly in 2nd and Team MacDonald in 3rd. Congrats to all. We had a couple of other prize winners; one for not making the far Hogline won by Jenna Dort and one for Closest to the Pin won by Alison Billard. The team that was closest to the pin was Team Connolly. Here some pics of the winners and action shots of the ladies curling.
Just wanted to let you all know that we are set to go with the MacLeod Lorway Ladies bonspiel. We have 6 teams, of which 3 only have 3 curlers. So there is an opportunity for extra games on any of the three teams with only 3 players. They are Team Connolly (Team 2), Team Dobson (Team 5) and Team Jamieson (Team 6). Take a look at the schedule (I will attach) and see where you think you may want to play that extra game. This should only be for the curlers who are playing Lead or Second on their respective team. Also there will be food made available in the kitchen. At a nominal price we will have Hot Dogs and Mild Italian Sausages from about noon until 3pm. Tea and coffee will be on all day at $1.00 each. With the Covid protocols we cannot allow cooked food to be brought in for everyone to eat. But you can bring in your own food/snack for yourself to eat. Spectators are now allowed to come and watch. Masks must be worn in the warm area at all times unless you are either eating or drinking. The cash bar will be open on Fri night and Sat at 11am until closing. Don’t forget to sign in at the door. There will be prizes given out. The winning team will receive the trophy and $25 gift cards from PC. There will be prizes for the 2nd and 3rd place teams (Pick from the table). A prize for the Hogline (for not making it) and one for ‘Closest to the Pin’. At some point all teams will draw to the button to determine the tiebreaker #2 and Closest to the Pin to the best measurement. Any prizes left over there will be a random draw. A list of Prize donors will be on the table at the club. A big shout out to MacLeod Lorway who have for several years supported this bonspiel with $$ and prizes. Also this year Lloyd Hines gave us a $100 not as a donation but for advertising at the bonspiel.
Here is the MacLeod Lorway Ladies Valentines FUNspiel schedule and team list for the weekend. Note that spectators are allowed to come and watch. Covid protocols are in effect. Please sign in and wear a mask when not eating or drinking.
Update on the MacLeod Lorway Valentines Ladies FUNspiel… as of today Feb 6th we have 21 curlers who signed up before the early registration date of Feb 5th. Those curlers pay $20 each. The final registration date is Wed. Feb. 10th. We need at least 3 more curlers to have an even number of teams. If we get any more then the fee for them is $25 each. Unfortunately we can only have curlers who curl out of our club either as a member or spare. One good thing about yesterday’s announcement is we can now have spectators in the club to watch.
Our annual MacLeod Lorway Ladies Valentines FUNspiel is set to happen this year on Feb 12th and 13th. Note that with the Covid protocols that are still in place we are not allowed ‘out of club’ curlers or spectators. Registered curlers can stay and watch. That may change before this bonspiel starts but we do not know. So from talking to a handful of lady members it seems to be that they want curlers to sign up with their position noted and that on Thur. Feb 11th the skips will pick names to make up their teams. We may not be able to provide food as in the past. Still in discussion on that matter.