Tentative Dates (With the Friday nights before included depending on number of teams) Dates will be confirmed very soon.
Turkey shoot; Nov. 30th, 2018
Cecil Boyd Trophy with Canso CC; Dec. 1st (Canso) & Dec. 2nd (Chedabucto CC); Postponed until the New Year
4 Curling FUNspiel, Dec 7th & 8th, 2018
Edgar Sceles Memorial; January 25/26, 2019
MacLeod Lorway Ladies Valentines FUNspiel; February 8/9, 2019
St. Patrick’s Day FUNspiel, Mar. 15 & 16th, 2019
Skins ExxonMobil and Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline Skins Cash spiel, Dates TBA
Memorial spiel; April 5/6, 2018 (dates could change depending on the end of season schedule)