Looks like the Duckie race on Sunday will launch around 4:30pm.
We will be holding our annual Duckie Race August 29th. Time will be dependent upon water levels in the brook next to the curling club. Tickets will be going out to all members very soon. As in past years we have 1,000 tickets to sell at $5.00 per ticket or $20.00 for 5. Prizes are as usual $500.00- 1st place, $300.00 2nd and 3rd $100.00. All members will be receiving 2 books of 5 tickets each and should you require additional tickets please contact me. Ticket stubs and monies are to be returned to me (Maurice Landry, 11151 Hwy 16, Riverside, NS B0H 1G0) or Holly no later than August 18th. This allows us time to match up the tickets to the ducks. This fund raiser is our most profitable event of the year and it is essential that we sell all tickets. If by chance you do not receive your tickets by early next week, please let me know.
In past years we managed to hold a Chicken Barbeque during the Duckie Race. It generated some money and people in the community always looked forward to it. Last year we couldn’t because of Covid. This year we were going to hold it as a takeout only event, however I was recently contacted by Elections Canada asking if the club would be available to be used as their returning office for the upcoming Federal Election. It was decided to rent the club out to them as it will generate much more money than our planned chicken Barbeque and a lot less work on our part.