Junior Curling 2013/14

I am pleased to inform you that Joe Jamieson has agreed to be one of our Club’s Junior League coaches.  Joe and Shawna Cody will be working with the youngsters to pass on their skills and enjoyment of the sport.

This week, and for the next three, in the Guysborough Journal there will be Junior Curling information within the “Community Calendar” section as well as notices going to homes this week via the school.

Thank you to the MODG Recreation Department for their assistance to distribute the Club’s notices. The school is also acknowledged for distributing the notices in addition to agreeing to include the curling registration date for January 6 within its Monday Flash (also January 6).

Please spread the good news about the Junior Curling; if you know of anyone who might enjoy joining the league give them your encouragement.  Should a family need financial assistance to join there is assistance available via the MODG Recreation Department (Christina Connolly).

More Junior Curling information can be found on the club’s website:  www.chedabuctocc.ca .

Cheers 🙂


When: Registration January 6, 2014

Where: Chedabucto Curling Club, Boylston

Time: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Who: Ages 10 years – 20 years eligible. (Free instructions)

Costs: Dues: $25.00 (tax included) If financial assistance is required contact Christina Connolly, Municipality of the District of Guysborough Recreation Department.  533.3508 (ext. 238)

Days to curl: Thursdays after school

More details:  www.chedabuctocc.ca  or Ray Bates, President (533.2528)