Skins Cash Bonspiel 2022

Our annual Skins Cash Bonspiel is happening this weekend. Only 6 teams are entered playing for $1000. Each game will be played for money, $100 per game. The extra $100 goes to the winning team with the most money after the round robin. I’ll attach the schedule and team list. All spectators are welcome to come and watch. There are now no restriction for proof of vaccination required but masks are still needed to be worn in the warm area unless you are sitting and having a drink or eating. Thanks go out to our 4 sponsors who graciously donated the money to make this happen: Mulgrave Machine Works, Scotia Diesel, Ron Chisholm Hydroseed, and new this year Scotia Hills Farm. 

A poster and sign up sheet are now at the club for our annual Skins Cash bonspiel. For those of you who are not familiar with this style of curling it is different and the championship game you are playing for money. This year again we have three sponsors (Mulgrave Machine Works, Scotia Diesel, and Ron Chisholm Hydroseed) who are donating $250 each plus a new one, Scotia Hill Farm also at $250. The format of this year is for made up teams since we will now be able to have out of club curlers. There will be 2 divisions of teams. An ‘A’ division playing 8 end games and a ‘B’ division playing 6 end games. Fee will be $140 for ‘A’ teams and $100 for ‘B’ teams. Prize money TBA later. Date of this spiel is Mar. 18-20. Final date to register a team is Mar. 16th. Individual signup is also there. Pass the word around to your friends and family for this one.