With 8 teams entered it came down to the final draw to determine the winner… it was Team Long vs Team Luddington and in the end Team Long won the game by 1 pt and took the trophy with 123pts. In 2nd place with 106pts was Team G. Jamieson and 3rd was Team Luddington with 104pts. Thanks go out to the Sceles family who generously donated $$ towards the bonspiel prizes. Also donating were Alison Billard with a very nice quilted table runner, MODG via Neil DeCoff with 6 prizes, and a ladies golf shirt donated by Evelyne & Gerry Jamieson. Our ‘Closest to the Pin’ winner was Evelyne Jamiseon with a measurement of 3.75″. A big thank you also to our Kitchen crew led by Holly Pyle who provided a very nice lunch and Mary K. Connolly who took care of the bar. Next up is the MacLeod Lorway Ladies Valentines FUNspiel on Feb 10/11.