Ice update at the club: As you can see from the pictures our ice is progressing nicely. Ice prep started on Oct. 10th with the raking of the base, then water was sprayed on to soak in the sand, plant was then turned on and the freezing was started. Several days and nights of spraying water to form ice then several days and nights of flooding the ice to cover all the sand. The ice was then scraped to remove any bumps. Painting happened on Thurs night, rings and lines got put in yesterday. We still have several days of spraying and then flooding to do. Our hope is to have the ice ready by Thurs or Friday of this week. Thank you to all who helped getting us to this spot: George Luddington, Maurice Landry, Gary Neufeld, Blair Brymer, Byron Grady, and Ralph Mattie.
Phil O’Regan