SESSION 2 – STICK CURLING LEAGUE – Looking for members!
Jan 14/15 – Feb 11/12 – Games will be either Tues or Wed afternoons, depending on majority preference.

After two successful seasons of “Drop-In Stick Curling”, we started a Stick Curling League in Nov/Dec, Now we are having a second 5-week session from now until mid-February and looking for more players to try it out. 
We use a round-robin format – so mixing up teams each game. Each games is about 1 hour long, so we can play 2 draws each week.

The stick curling games are for 2-person teams, 6 ends, 6 rocks using the Official Stick Curling rules. It’s a quick moving game and lots of fun. You get to learn about strategy and also throw lots of stones. There is no sweeping allowed between the hog lines. 
Never heard of 2-person Stick Curling? There is lots of information on the Canadian Stick Curling Association website: 
And if you want to learn more about stick curling, the game, the equipment, strategy and more, here’s a very comprehensive informative video: Basic Stick Curling Skills
Never used the delivery stick, but are interested in trying it out?  We can arrange a “learn to stick curl” session . We’d love to share our knowledge and provide basic instruction. 
If you’d like to sign up for this 5 week session, please let me know asap so I can get the schedule set up. It’s going to be fun!!
P.S. – We’re hoping to have one more session of 5-6 weeks from mid-Feb to end of March. So if you can’t join us now, maybe then.