50/50 draw ready to go…..

The Club is having the 50/50 draws again this season and the tickets are now available to all.  The drawings will still be on Friday nights in the Club at 8:00 PM.  Sincere thanks go to Shauna Brymer for getting the tickets made for the Club.

The 50/50 draws have been developed into a major fundraiser for the Chedabucto Curling Club Community Activity Society (CAS)’s many financial needs therefore we ask for support to sell the tickets.

If you wish to purchase or to sell tickets: contact a club member, come to the club, or buy tickets at Gerard Hart’s Grocery Store, Boylston; Cook’s Gas Bar & Robin’s; Cutting Loose Hair Design & Tanning;  Chedabucto Home Hardware; Days Gone By Bakery & Restaurant; Guysborough Discount & Gifts;  Guysborough Pharmacy or Central Supplies (Guysborough).

CAS sincerely thanks the before-mentioned businesses for their continued support as well as the folks who sell / purchase our 50/50 tickets. (The businesses’ sold-tickets are collected mid-afternoon on draw days.)


PS: Check the Club’s website  updates on what has happened or is being planned at the Club and to see who the lucky 50/50 winners are for each draw.   www.chedabuctocc.ca