Edgar Sceles Memorial a go for this weekend…

Our annual Edgar Sceles Memorial bonspiel is a go for this weekend starting with 2 draws on Friday night and continuing on Saturday. So far we have 8 teams signed up. Team J. Jamieson, Team G. Jamieson, Team O`Regan, Team D. Hart, Team O`Leary, Team Luddington, Team DeCoff, and Team Connolly. Lunch and dinner will be served at a nominal fee. We hope everyone stays for the night, once curling is over, as we have Reid Jamieson supplying us with entertainment.

We have the teams’ placement prizes (4 sterling silver memorial pins, 4 vouchers from Molson’s , MODG’s 9 donated prizes, 2 gift certificates, and 2 Quality Street tins).

The prizes breakdown: silver pins plus prize selections for 1st place. A prize selection each for 2nd and 3rd teams. The remaining prizes go via random draws to the other curlers who were not in the top three categories thereby spreading
the winnings.

Good luck to all curlers. Good curling.