We are a go for this weekend’s Cash spiel. We have our quota of 6 ‘A’ Calibre teams. Unfortunately no one signed up for the ‘B’ division. Play begins on Friday night at 6:30 with 2 teams on the ice. Next draw is 7:30 with 2 more and the last draw of the night is 8:30 with the last of the teams. We have entertainment Friday night with Garth Wilson and Shane Cook. Our next to last 50/50 draw will be held on Friday night. The club will be decorated in green to celebrate St. Patty’s Day. It would be nice to have a full house for Friday night to watch curling and listen to some great music. Saturday play begins at noon hour. More info to follow on our website as the schedule gets made up. There will be curling on Sunday with the 1st draw at 10am. This will be the semi finals with the A and B finals at 1pm. Teams that have entered are Team Sangster, Team Luddington, Team Jamieson, Team Dobson and two teams from the Highlander club in St. Andrew’s. Pass this info on to your friend’s and family.